Senin, 19 Maret 2012

DISCOUSE The 1st to the 3rd meeting assignment of DA

The 1st to the 3rd meeting assignment of DA

1.      Discourse study is ethnography of communication, the introductional,sociolinguistics and pragmatics, beside that discourse study make a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use or any significant semiotic event.
a.       the sense is that the victim of the trouble is 272 in capital in bujumbura and in the northern provinces of citybroke bubanza. It is verbal text
b.      the sense is that after celebration of 57th birthday of Abidael Guzman,20 member of shining path rebel organization to be a victim in the rural vigilantes.
c.       the sense is that 14 people had killed from 20 member people killed by by the poisonous brew in two day. Than any quake5,7 richer scale( before 10.50).

2.      Friday, March 16, 2012 22:14 PM
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Half-constructed bus terminal to open
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 03/16/2012 7:48 PM
A | A | A |
The Jakarta transportation agency says the Pulo Gebang bus terminal in East Jakarta will begin operations in June, despite it still being under construction.
“We will run a soft launch for the bus terminal in June so that some areas of the terminal can be used during construction process. Today, we have completed 50 percent of the terminal’s physical structure and are expecting to see its full completion in December,” agency head Udar Pristono said as quoted by
Udar said that he also expected to see the completion of the Pulo Gebang flyover, which will connect the terminal with the nearby toll road, in mid-2013. The construction of the flyover has been halted due to land disputes.
Once completed, the Rp 757 billion (US$82.5 million) Pulo Gebang bus terminal is expected to replace the over-crowded Pulo Gadung terminal, which currently accommodates around 750 buses per day, or more than twice its normal capacity. (hwa)

a. It- line 1- refer to pulo gebang bus terminal.
b. we – line 2 sentence 1- the jakarta transportation agency
c. we- line 2 sentence 2 -  the jakarta transportation agency
d. its – line 2 sentence 2 - refer to pulo gebang bus terminal
e. he- line 3 first sentence- udar
f. its- line 4-refer to pulo gebang bus terminal

a.       it-  occurs when the writer refers back to something/ place that has been previously identified, to avoid repetition
b.      we- occurs when the writer refers back to someone that has been previously identified, to avoid repetition
c.       he- occurs when the writer refers back to someone that has been previously identified, to avoid repetition
d.      and-be implicit and deduced from correctly between physical structure “and” are expecting ......

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Definisi Psikolinguistik mei hastuti kelas B

Nama  : Mei Hastuti
Nim     : A310090066
Definisi Psikolinguistik/ Batasan Psikolinguistik
Psikolinguistik adalah suatu ilmu yang meneliti bagaimana sebenarnya para pembicara/ pemakai suatu bahasa membentuk/ membangun atau mengerti kalimat-kalimat tersebut (Bach dalam Pateda, 1990:12).
Psikolinguistik adalah studi mengenai manusia sebagai pemakai bahasa, yaitu studi mengenai system-sistem yang ada pada manusia yang dapat menjelaskan bagaimana manusia dapat menangkap ide-ide orang lain dan bagaimana ia dapat mengekspresikan ide-idenya sendiri melalui bahasa baik secara tulis maupun lisan (Kempen dalam Mar’at, 2005:3).
Psikolinguistik adalah pendekatan gabungan melalui psikologi dan linguistic bagi telaah atau studi pengetahuan bahasa, bahasa dalam pemakaian, perubahan bahasa, dan hal-hal yang ada kaitannya dengan itu yang tidak begitu mudah dicapai atau didekati melalui salah satu dari kedua ilmu tersebut secara terpisah atau sendiri-sendiri (Lado dalam Pateda, 1190:11).
Secara etimologis, kata psikolinguistik terbentuk dari kata psikologi dan kata linguistik. Yakni dua bidang ilmu yang berbeda, yang masing-masing berdiri sendiri, dengan prosedur dan metode yang berlainan. Namun, keduanya sama-sama meneliti bahasa sebagai objek formalnya. Hanya objek materialnya yang berbeda.linguistik mengkaji struktur bahasa, sedangkan psikologi mengkaji perilaku berbahasa atau proses berbahasa (Chaer,2003).
Chaer, Abdul. 2003. Psikolinguistik Kajian Teoritik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Mar’at, Samsunuwiyati. 2005. Psikolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Pateda, Mansoer. 1990. Aspek-aspek Psikolinguistik. Yogyakarta: Nusa Indah.